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“Here’s An Easy Way To Discover Exactly When Your Website Gets Spidered By The Major Search Engines, So You Can Target Your Site Updates For Maximum Benefit”
Do you regularly update your websites to make them more attractive to the search engines?
And did you realise that your probably wasting a lot of time and effort in doing this?
Search engines send out “spiders” that crawl through websites in order to find all the web pages so they can be listed on the search engine.
These spiders are sent out to re-visit sites at irregular intervals and the search engine listings are then updated.
This update can result in a site being added or removed from the listings as well as affecting its position in search results.
So if you regularly update your site, you need to update it in-between spider visits.
Updating at any other time is just a waste of time and effort.But how do you know that a spider has visited your site?
Fireball Googlebot Assistant offers a simple way to detect spider visits, automatically notifying you by email that a spider has visited.
This means you can perform updates when they are useful (i.e. after a spider has visited) rather than continually performing unncecessary updates that never get seen by the search engines.
This can save you unnecessary work, while allowing you to optimize your sites for search engine benefits.
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